UK: World Laughter Giggle Phone
Pete Cann aus England sammelt 10-Sekunden-Telefonlachen aus der ganzen Welt. Bisher hat er 190 Lacher aus 62 Ländern. Sein Ziel sind 1000 bis zum 2. Mai!
Macht mit!
The Final Edit from a week of sharing Laughter Yoga in the Laughter Yoga Community. HELP: I am trying to get 1000 people in the chain by Sunday 3rd May 2020. Full details on https://www.facebook.com/groups/world… Dr Madan Kataria supported the project and helped to catapult the Video to the World. BIG LOVE to everyone involved. #passthegigglephone#theroachcoach#cannedlaughter#worldlaughterday Visit www.petecann.com for updates on the challenge and to send me your 10-second giggle phone.